All census instances in read-only mode

Hi @schlos

All instances are on the new database under the next domain. ie:

They will all be changing in the next 1-2 days to the main domains.

I know I owe you some work on the translations, and this issue will be dealt with now in the current branch of work.


I attempted to update the data for Santa Monica, CA. I receive the following conflicting messages:

Thanks for your submission. It will now be reviewed by the editors. You can check back here any time to see the current status.

Followed by

404: Not Found

Nothing here!

Can you verify that you received my updates for 311 data for the City of Santa Monica (via


@hackyourcity - did you see other issues in the US census like the one mentioned above?

Submissions should be working now.

@Behrang, all data will be removed once the domain moves from the next subdomain, which is now scheduled with the sys admins to occur in the AM, GMT, on the 22nd of July (tomorrow).

Hi everyone.

The submission flow is live, and the new census code will go live all all domains tomorrow, 22nd July, AM GMT.

If anyone has time before then to do additional submission/review tests on their census instance, that would be great. Any issues found should be reported here:

Note that any additions done now while still testing will not be carried over to the live domains, so feel free to add any info just to test things out.


Are pending changes, approvals and rejections meant to show in the change log? Not working for me.

False positive due to ordering. Ordering was fixed.

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Hi all,

The DNS settings are being updated now. Expect some downtime over the next hour or so, and then all the sites will be live on their regular domains with the new code and the clean database.

Work still continues on new features for the global index this year, and of course fixing any new bugs and issues that crop up.

Thanks everyone for being patient during this period!

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Thanks @pwalsh and everyone that coded, tested and suggested. Very glad to unpin this conversation. Let the census submissions begin.

And thank you @Stephen for the constant feedback and support! Words cannot describe our appreciation!

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@Stephen as @Mor said - the thanks goes to you. You’ve been instrumental in helping get this done by identifying bugs, being engaged with us throughout the process, and being patient. Thank you!

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Hey guys, it looks like some of our records were lost. If you compare today’s table to that of April, datasets like code enforcement violations and crimes are now missing.

Hi @timwis

We were just discussing this right now.

Let me first of all say that the data is not lost: rather, data is now displayed per year. So, entries made in 2015 are visible on the front page, and entries made in 2014, for example, are visible at

We understand that in many local census cases, is it desirable to have a view of the “current state to date”, so we are thinking about ways we should revert this:

Perhaps the “overview” page would show the current state of all data collected, to date, and the year specific routes would stay as they are (, This would retain the same experience as previously, while still enabling views into data that has actually been submitted in the current year by going to the appropriate year route.

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By removing those datasets for 2015, is the idea that we may have stopped publishing them? Do we have to submit the revisions for each one manually and wait for them to be approved?

Having the default view be the cumulative view of all submissions would be best for our instance. You could still easily go to /2015 and /2014 to see how they’ve changed.

edit: Just got an email from New York City gov employee who’s boss is yelling at him asking where all there data is and why haven’t they beat Los Angeles yet. haha

@timwis from the point of view of seeing the application as a census: it means that, in 2015, there was no new submission for that dataset.

In the case of the global index, this is fine, because:

  • it makes it clearly visible when the current year has not had a new submission, so it is easier to see that the data may be “stale”
  • the results are displayed elsewhere, in the Index, which indeed cumulates the results to show the “current state”

But, yes, we need a solution for local census instances so that this “index” view remains.

As @hackyourcity suggests, the best solution maybe to make the default views cumulative, and the year-specific views can stay as they are now.

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To update folks we are making a change asap to revert to previous display where we “cascade” older submissions (i.e. before this year) through. Should be live in next day or so.

I attempted to login to submit changes for my organization, but logging in via Google keeps taking me to the login page, and login via Facebook states:

App Not Setup: This app is still in development mode, and you don’t have access to it. Switch to a registered test user or ask an app admin for permissions.

@Behrang the facebook login issue is fixed. About Google login, I’ll need more information - many users are using it successfully so it is not clear to me what is different in your case.

@Mor can we please lock this thread now - issues and bugs should be going to the issue tracker: Issues · okfn/opendatasurvey · GitHub