Data Quality Dashboard

Hi there!

I remember pretty well the UK Spend Publishing dashboard (thanks @pwalsh !) and as I am currently assessing the French OGP Action Plan which contains a certain amount of commitments built around the release of datasets. Some of those promises are kept and the data has been published but it would be super nice if I could make the evidence public in one place, and provide a quality monitoring dashboard not only for myself but also for all the CSOs involved in the evaluation (ONE, TI, Oxfam, PWYF etc.) and ultimately to show the government how they’re doing, how they can improve etc.

My question is: how can I deploy the Data Quality dashboard ? Do I need to set up my own server or can I just fork from Github ? I’m not all too sure about the process.

Thanks !


Hey @CecileLG

It needs a server, but can run on a free Heroku server. We can talk about it more on frictionlessdata/chat - Gitter if you like

Sure, would be great!

Hi Cecile!
In order to use Data Quality Dashboard you have to generate the data quality reports with Data Quality CLI. As the name suggests, Data Quality CLI is a command line interface, you just install it on your computer and it will generate some files on your computer. You can find in the README all about how to use it. Then you have to upload the generated files somewhere on the internet. We used GitHub for data so far and you can find details about it in this section.

For Data Quality Dashboard, you have to deploy the app on a server (we use Heroku). This involves the same steps described here and here. To make Data Quality Dashboard display your results, you have to set the value of DATABASE_LOCATION to the URL to the files generated with Data Quality CLI (more in this section).

You can find a broader description of the workflow here. Hope this helps. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Regarding openess dashboards, have a look at (it’s my favourite one)

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