Election/Referendum Calendar Data Sources


Does anyone have open data sources for dates of elections and referendums around the world? I’m looking for
some sample data for a project. So far I’ve been pulling of Wikipedia

(It’s to go into this site
http://electionsandreferendum.jmbtechnology.co.uk/ which is to demo this
static calendar website generation software:
GitHub - OpenACalendar/OpenACalendar-StaticWeb-Core Still very
early days and a work in progress, but always good to have some real
data to develop with! The data behind this site is at
GitHub - JMB-Technology-Limited/OpenACalendar-StaticWeb-Data-ElectionsAndReferendums


Hi James,

IFES has dates of possible elections:

And NDI (full disclosure: I work for them) has a calendar of confirmed
upcoming elections: Elections Calendar | National Democratic Institute

I’m sure they are not comprehensive since both organizations focused on
developing democracies but it might be easier than searching wikipedia.


Try the sites listed in the Open Data Census http://global.census.okfn.org/dataset/elections