Entry for Administrative Boundaries / Brazil

This is a discussion about the submission for Administrative Boundaries / Brazil.

The answer to question B9 seems to conflict with what was marked for B5 (Downloadable all at once? yes):

There is no API and there is no way to easily get the whole dataset at once. Although it is possible to download data in processable format.

I have checked, however, and found a download for a map in Shapefile format that contains all the administrative boundaries for the whole country, so I’d say the answer to B5 is correct, i.e. a bulk download is indeed available.

Also, I do not think the answer to B6 is consistent with the guidelines that have been defined for this dataset in the survey.

B6. Data should be updated every year: Is the data up-to-date?

No, the last file available is from 2015.

Considering this is supposed to be a 2016 survey, I do not think that data on administrative boundaries dating from 2015 are to be considered out-of-date.

I don’t think there is a conflict: Although it is possible to download all at once(B5=yes), there is no API.
But maybe this is not a reason to penalize it in B9.
B6: I agree.

@leowmjw Hello Michael Leow,

I see that you didn’t consider IBGE’s licence in your review.

But in some other datasets such as National Maps, the same webpage was considered and the reviewer accepted the license as being the declaration of the public character of data as stated in this website: IBGE | Portal do IBGE | IBGE

Why didn’t you consider it for this case?

My worry is that the same institution and the same webpage is being evaluated in two different datasets with different criteria.

I’ll be waiting for your answer.

@arielkogan @Mor @Andressa_Falconiery

Today OKBR is launching Open Data Index in Brazil

See the official blog post and

Dear, @herrmann @Wagner_Faria_de_Oliv thank you very much for your feedback. As part of the public dialogue, we will follow up on your input and will get back to you in the coming days.
All the best,

Hi @herrmann @Wagner_Faria_de_Oliv We’ve looked into the inputs you made about this data set and we have concluded that the license is indeed something we need to change because it’s the exact same we use for national maps. About the timeliness: it is not up-to-date, we did review in 2017, this dataset is outdated.

Hello Oscar,

So, the same license for national maps will be considered here, right?


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Exactly @Wagner_Faria_de_Oliv