B.1.1 Responsable: Dirección Nacional Electoral
B2.2 Link: http://elecciones.gob.ar/articulo_princ.php?secc=2&sub_secc=55
B.2.4 “Pasos para encontrar la data: No es accesible y fácil de llegar a la data en el sitio, para poder acceder al CSV hay que descargar un archivo rar.”
B3 Marcar E (polling station)
Para ambas elecciones donde se encuentran disponibles los archivos CSV, al revisarlos sólo he encontrado disponible el código del local de votación y los votos disponibles para cada uno, no así el desglose.
¿Podrías guiarme o indicarme dónde has encontrado los resultados en CSV?
Dear reviewers:
As @Lopez initianaly noted, electoral results data is available for the 2015 election round, in plain CSV format, with the maximum level of completness (polling station), including registered voters, invalid and spoiled votes for each of the elective positions (including those at federal, state, and municipal level), toghether with the all relevant encodings and IDs for their interpretation in separate files (“departamentos.csv”,“fpartidos.csv”, and “provincias.csv”).
General elections 2015: Http://www.elecciones.gob.ar/articulo_princ.php?secc=2&sub_secc=55
Elections 2nd round 2015: Http://www.elecciones.gob.ar/articulo_princ.php?secc=2&sub_secc=57
It must be noted that this information has been available immediately after the last electoral round in december 2015, with no further changes either on the digital property (www.elecciones.gob.ar) or the data itself. As such, this entry was evaluated with 100 points in 2015 (#1 in the ranking), and so it came as a surprise that it was awarded a 0 in 2016.
To futher facilitate data discovery, resources are currently documented and properly licenced in
Argentina’s Open Data Platform (datos.gobar), in the following URL: http://www.datos.gob.ar/dataset/resultados-electorales-2015
We hope this will facilitate a fair review of Argentina’s performance in this topic, that we think should be awarded the maximum score.
Queridos @gonzaloiglesias@Lopez@Cintia_Maldonado, revisamos los recursos que nos mandaron y haremos los cambios correspondientes. Consideramos que la parte de bulk es la única que no, pues hay que bajar todos los códigos por separado para cada una de las votaciones.