The reviewer comments states that
‘Rejected submission since not all required data is available. Data available ( include results for major electoral contests, registered votes and invalid votes, but no information on spoiled ballots. Data is up to date, available in HTML and CSV, downloadable at once for each election. Historical data also available:’
In this sense I would like to clarify that the normative translation for ‘spoiled ballots’ to Mexico is 'Voto Nulo (More info on the treatment of spoiled ballots in Mexico here:
In this regard the two links provided with electoral information provide data on ‘Voto Nulo’, and the cases in which the electoral authority can determine a vote as invalid: eg. vote for two or more candidates, votes for no candidate, ballot is mutilated or incomplete,
Also in the National Electoral Information System, once a search by district is done, users can find an ‘observations’ column, which states the unique ID of Challenges to specific ballot stations.
Dear @Enrique_Zapata,
thank you very much for your feedback. As part of the public dialogue phase we will follow up on your input and will get back to you in the coming days.
All the best
In the context of the GODI public dialogue phase, and its objective to discuss the GODI preliminary results in an open dialogue, on May 25th, 2017, Ania Calderón - Executive Director of the Open Data Charter, Oscar Montiel - International Community Coordinator of Open Knowledge International, Sergio Araiza - SocialTIC y Escuela de Datos and Enrique Zapata - General Director of Open Data in Mexico, gathered in a joint Hang Out to:
• Discuss the preliminary results for Mexico,
• Analyze the pertinence of these preliminary reviews and the existence of requested datasets in open formats, and
• Agree on submitting joint comments to be taken into account
After this exercise this group would like to kindly request the reviewers to take into account the following clarifications to the ‘Election Results’ dataset in all its dimensions, based on the following comments:
- The entire dataset has been rejected based on the reviewer perception that data on ‘Spoiled Ballots’ is not available.
- It is worth noting that for the Mexican electoral regulations (, ‘Spoiled ballots’ is translated as ‘votos nulos’.
- Data on spoiled ballots, under this understanding can be accessed from here (Histórico de Resultados Electorales | Instituto Nacional Electoral): For example: go to 2014 – 2015 elections > go to ‘descargar bases de datos’ in the footer > download datasets > search for ‘voto nulo’
We thank the reviewers for their time and willingness to take into account the work done jointly by civil society and government to perfect the GODI and increase its value for the open data community.
Dear Enrique,
We went through the data set with the observations you provided and will change the entry accordingly.