Entry for locations / France

The certified dataset in term of adress repository are those coming from the National Adress Database: https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/ban-base-adresse-nationale/

Those data are available under two types of licences, share alike and ODbL 1.0

The data webpage is now updated: Données nationales | adresse.data.gouv.fr

Dear @romtal,

Thanks so much for the update. I verified your comments. Compliant data is indeed licensed under ODbL 1.0 and is compliant. I will update our entry accordingly with all the necessary details to make clear where the data can be found and how they can be accessed and used.

However, since these changes have been made after our review closed (after the timeframe we look at) we cannot enter these changes in the score. But I will make it clear that the side has been updated, so people can understand the current situation.