Hong Kong Gov Archives and Access to Information Consultation

There’s one day left to digest and feedback the HK Law Reform Commission consultation on putative Access to Information and Archives law legislation. Its been a long time coming but hidden in the >450 pages of text are recommendations such as no-information commission, only <20% of government statutory bodies will covered, no timelines, and potentially most serious - tiered charges for ATI requests, with no exemptions or waivers mentioned. You can read more about what I’ve dubbed as a “Transparency Tax” here:

You can see the consultation documents here:

Archives: https://www.hkreform.gov.hk/en/publications/archiveslaw.htm
ATI: https://www.hkreform.gov.hk/en/publications/accesstoinfo.htm

We’ve covered these in a number of meetups and events, included Open Data Day this weekend (see my slides here). But the key thing now is people provide feedback on these key issues.

To provide feedback please email the Secretary of the Law Reform Commission here hklrc@hkreform.gov.hk by the 5th March.