Introducing Gobierto Presupuestos Municipales

Hi all,

a quick note to introduce a project we are launching, Gobierto Municipal Budgets:

Its a platform to visualize and understand budgets from the +8.000 municipalities in Spain. You can explore a municipality budget, get into specific budget lines, visualize evolution, compare with means from similar places, check total expense, per inhabitant…

We are also adding tools to contextualize: a comparison generator, where you can select specific minicipalities and generate a table comparing numbers and visualizing them; and also a ranking, where you can filter by various criteria.

In the coming months we’ll be looking into if it makes sense to integrate the data we processed into OpenSpending format, or using some of the OpenSpending tools for ETL, etc. Also, some of the tools created to build the project are open sourced over at our Github page: Populate · GitHub

Ideas welcome!


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Hey Alvaro,

This is absolutely great! I have been just browsing through your website. The design, explanations of the tools etc. is great. The comparison examples you prepared have really detailed data, so cool!

At we are working with data integration and ETL. So can I link you to @pwalsh? Let’s talk about the developments in OpenBudgets EU with regards to integration and ETL and how this may support you and vice-versa.

How can we best reach out to you? you can best drop me a line at

Cheers, Anna

hi Anna, thanks for your kind comments. Just sent you an email.
