Locale not working in Spanish

Hi everyone. Just wanted to know how can we make the translations in Spanish work for our city index. The translation is ready in transifex and our locale settings on the doc are for spanish. Is there anything else we should do?


I looked at the the config. It was Locale instead of locales and ES instead of es.

Y a hora, todo el sitio en espanol.


OK, not todo en espanol.

@tlacoyodefrijol - can you do the following and I will incoprprate it in the spreadsheet?
Translating Questions

This is about translating the question descriptors used in the submission forms etc. To translate question information:

Make a copy of the standard questions spreadsheet

Add a column Question@{LANG} and Description@{LANG} where {LANG} if your 2 digit iso code

Enter translations of the english values of Question and Description in your new columns

Notify the Open Data Census Managers on the discussion forumdiscussion-forum that the translation is done

The Census Managers will then incorporate your translations back in the the main questions spreadsheet

@pwalsh am I missing anything?


There is a Spanish translation at 0% and a Spanish (México) translation at 100%. How can we help in the Spanish one?

Translation of questions is now happening here.

Also, please note that there is a bug, and data can only be reviewed in English mode. We will fix it in the next iteration of the index work.

Dear @Mor

How can I help in proofreading the Spanish translation?
Isn’t there an option to translate the website?

BTW, the map consider Western Sahara as maroccian territory, I think it would be better to keep the borders before the occupation in 1975: Political status of Western Sahara - Wikipedia

All the best!

@adolflow The transifex translation of Mexican Spanish is already working at http://mx-city.census.okfn.org/ If you want you can copy that translation and adapt it to Castellano. If you want to see how it looks, you can just change the locale to es in the config spreadsheet.