Hello! My name is Stefaniia Ivashchenko. I am a co-founder of Open Science TV, a first independent scientific media platform which promotes principles of Openness in science and society. I am also a steering committee member of Open Science MOOC, founder of ToxicScience (anonymous survey on toxic academic environment) and affiliated by IGDORE community.
Happy to be here!
hi. I am jennifer brown. I am a health blogger. In these times of pandemic, our health is one of the most important factors for a better living and functioning. We are all so busy in our hectic life that it makes it very difficult for us to able to concentrate well in our wellbeing. My motto is to promote better health and wellness in people. Make them aware of the common health issues and also help them find the right solution to the problem.
Hi everyone.
Thanks for thinking so big. I’m really glad to see some people dream about a better future.
My name is Andres, and I am from Costa Rica. I started working for a major good just before lost everything from a depression. I have been working on a one-man personal project since then and I really like to open a branch of open knowledge here in my country (Actually I don’t understand why we don’t have one, besides Costa Rica promoted open knowledge for all the COVID new information)
I love to learn and I am a Generalist, that’s the reason that my persona name on networks is rvgeneralist (from research vessel generalist)
My work is related to quantum mechanics and human collective knowledge. I love to experiment with new concepts and prototyping and share that knowledge with everyone.
You can see some of my work by searching for rvgeneralist in Tiktok, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Patreon, and Kofi, at this time.
Try to take a look on Youtube channel I worked on a collaboration to make a living paint using electronics and oil painting (everything that make posible a replication of the idea will be uploaded, im working on that)
I hope we could be able to collaborate together on your projects or even on mine. Thanks for the space here and your time.
Hi Jennifer Brown, I’m really concerned about wellness in this new era post-pandemic, do you think there is a way to work with you. My interest in open knowledge started from the lowest point in my life in a major depressive episode from a chronic depressive condition. Let me know if there is a way to work together
Hi Stefaniia, welcome to the open knowledge community!
Open Science TV looks interesting. We certainly need more dissemination of science, especially on this era when so many people embrace, believe and share misinformation around the world.
Since you promote open science, you might want to invite Patricia Henning and/or Luiz Bonino to talk about the FAIR principles of data management in research data. You can find out a little bit about it in my blog post about ODD Rio 2020.
Thank you @herrmann! Will keep them in mind!
hi I am Raji Koshy 55 male from Bangalore india, I am into Ultraviolet and Infrared systems, been working on this for the past 25 years. Have traveled world wide, and do have wide and open mind to discuss various topics of human life and world peace. Looking forward to a nice and fruitful discussion. God bless.
Hi @rvgeneralist, would you still be interested in opening a branch of OKF in your country? We are relaunching the Network and we would love to have an active group in Costa Rica!
Hi @rajikoshy, welcome to the Open Knowledge Network and communities! Are you interested in any special areas of open knowledge? Have a great day!
Hi everbody! I am from México, my name is Mariaangelica, I am interested to be more happy and share my learnings to the ones who are/will teach others. I do it in several ways, recently join www laboratorioeducativoabierto com and looking to spread the OER (open education resources)/REA (recursos educativos abiertos) in LATAM. Let´s connect! linktr.ee/mariaangelicamx
Hi Mariaangelica, welcome to the community! I just sent you an email.
I am Magnus Sälgö username salgo60 are doing things with Wikidata / WIkibase
Hi everyone,
I am Claudia Moros, I am new here and ready to help!
Hi !
My name is Julien Paris, I’m a developer and one of the co-founders of the tech cooperative multi.coop. We only develop open sourced solutions, and I’m particularly involved in developing Datami, a dataviz & data-management frontend project backed with Github or Gitlab.
Bonjour à tous !
La lecture de cet article a été une expérience surprenante pour moi " L’impératif de vérification de l’âge sur les plates-formes : un débat ressurgit".
Depuis la révélation des « Facebook Files » par Frances Haugen, la question de l’impact néfaste des réseaux sociaux sur la santé mentale des jeunes a été au cœur des préoccupations. Avec près de deux ans écoulés depuis cette révélation, les débats autour de la protection des utilisateurs les plus jeunes sur les plates-formes en ligne refont surface à une échelle mondiale.
Source:les plates-formes
Quelle est votre pensée à ce sujet?
Hello. I am Bert Nyabadza a Sub Librarian at Great Zimbabwe University located in Masvingo, Zimbabwe. I am based at the University Simon Mazorodze Medical and Health Sciences School. I just joined the forum and looking for a working group on academic libraries and medical health science promoting the Open Science Framework.
I’m David. I’ve been helping with Organic Week events in New Zealand.
I work in technology, and am keen on Open Data and open source tools to access it.
There doesn’t appear to be any OKN projects or groups in New Zealand at this time.
Perhaps I could help facilitate one. Meantime, some learning on other projects success.
Hey there,
This is Marcos and I am very excited to join this Community!
I realized today that I had not made the proper presentation, so I immediately corrected my mistake.
My name is Jose Luis Mendoza, I currently live in Venezuela and I am a lawyer, university professor and I specialize in educational content management for digital environments. I started with the issue of content licensing and I went deeper and deeper into the world of Open Educational Resources and related topics.