OKI submission for a session at RightsCon 2017 (29.-31.3.2017) in Brussels

Hello everyone,

I would like to submit a proposal to RightsCon2017 on behalf of OKI, on the topic of MyData, or maybe even another one on the general open knowledge agenda (and progress).

I’ll make a more detailed effort later, but for now, have a look at the criteria that the submissions are based on. I think our chances of meeting the criteria successfully are extremely good:

Relevance: How relevant is the proposal to the broader RightsCon agenda? Does the proposal successfully address both the technology sector and human rights? Is it a timely issue?

Outcomes: Is the proposal likely to engage participants in a way that inspires real-world outcomes (e.g., new policy approaches, partnership opportunities, or innovative technology solutions)?

Diversity: Does the proposal feature speakers from a diverse range of backgrounds and communities? In particular, what is the the geographic, gender, and stakeholder diversity of your proposed speakers? Proposals that lack a commitment to diversity are less likely to be accepted.

Originality: Does the proposal introduce new voices, new concepts, or a fresh take on an issue?
Collaboration: Does the proposal have the potential to initiate or encourage constructive cross-sector collaborations?

Format: Is this the best format to present the idea and generate outcomes?

Hi raoul,
sorry for my late reply but I have been thinking about this too: i work on text and datamining and there is a big issue with copyright. Although intellectual property is a human right article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, provides for the right to benefit from the protection of moral and material interests resulting from authorship of scientific, literary or artistic productions, there are other interests at stake here such as the access to knowledge.
Would you be interested in working together on something ?

Oh man. Can’t believe I missed this. You replied one week before the submission deadline and I left to Mexico on the following day, so that would’ve probably been a little too tight a window, but next time, please contact me on my email or Facebook or Twitter and you will receive an answer.

We are now going to Brussels to present Mydata in a lightning session on the first day with Emilia Hjelm. There’s still time to work together on this, although we’ve got the raw presentation scraped together already. It’s not set in stone however, so contact me or Emilia Hjelm about this and let’s see what we can accomplish together!