Open Data Day 2018 in Hong Kong

Just to update what the plans are for ODD in Hong Kong this year, which will be hosted on Saturday 3rd March at Hong Kong University. Following last years round table with members of LegCo, this year we have the government’s coming to present their data portal, as well as a hackathon, open sessions for collaboration, and a review of Hong Kong’s open data offerings.

Location: go to the UG floor of the main library building at HKU.

Tentative Schedule

10am: registration
11am: hackathon kick-off
1:15pm: About (OGCIO)
2:30pm-3:00pm: Webconference with other open data events in Asia
Other sessions: Getting started with Open Data, Q&A

Event organized with Open Data Day Hong Kong and Open Source Hong Kong.

Location: University of Hong Kong (Rooms LE2, LE3, and LE5), UG floor of the Library Building (LE: Library Extension).

See the facebook event page here: Open Data Day Hong Kong
See the event page here:
See the Open Data Day page here:

If people come up with some interesting projects with social justice implications (for example see the guest post on refugee data from last years ODD hackathon) there will be another hackathon organised by the Hong Kong Law Society on access to justice in April: