I have published a fiscal dataset on OpenSpending a while ago. There’s new data available this year which I want to add. I want to keep the ID since the dataset is being used in other projects.
I tried uploading my updated dataset with the same name and settings again, but the data remains unchanged on OSViewer.
Is updating a dataset possible?
Related question: How can I obtain the “schema file” for my dataset? It’s a file that, I assume, you can upload instead of specifying data to fiscal definitions manually in OSPackager (?), would be useful to have for a reproducible workflow in git. (It’s an optional field in the OSPackager workflow, I found no further explanation)
Are you using the OpenSpending Packager to do this? Does the new file have new columns?
The Packager is not meant for frequent updates but it should allow you to update the new file the way you’re doing it. Could you point us to the dataset you’re trying to update?
The Schema file is the JSON file that’s part of the Fiscal Data Package. I’ve updated a screenshot of data from Uruguay.
You can see that the data package link is right there. (you can find these at the bottom of the OSViewer for your data).