The Events and Meetups category is a place to advertise Open Knowledge events and related meetups around the world. You may also find local events in your country’s Local Group category.
Hackfests, Data dives, Unconferences and Open data events are all welcome. Add your event if it has an international focus or your country does not have a local group in this forum.
Open Knowledge International events:
Can we can this About text to…
The Events and Meetups category is a place to advertise Open Knowledge events and related meetups around the world. Hackfests, Data dives, Unconferences and Open data events are all welcome.
@Stephen are you a forum admin? If so you should be able to do this yourself - and please do! If not, let me make sure you are an admin so you can do this and similar in future.
Lastly: thanks for your ongoing excellent contributions!
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Thanks @rufuspollock - I didn’t realise my “superpowers” worked outside the Open Data Index category.