Entry for Land Ownership / Ukraine

This is a discussion about the submission for Land Ownership / Ukraine.

The link has not been working for me in the last 2 weeks. Does anyone have any idea what has happened, if it will work again? :slight_smile: Thank you!

http://map.land.gov.ua/kadastrova-karta works for me

Please explain why was it rejected? Maybe itā€™s just you?

Hi! I am afraid it still does not work for me. I assume the server isnā€™t down but I do get a 409 conflict error. I have also asked some friends to check and they get the same. I am attaching a print screen with the error.

Hi! I am from Ukraine and the server http://map.land.gov.ua/kadastrova-karta work for me. Itā€™s good.

access to http://map.land.gov.ua/kadastrova-karta is restricted to Ukraine only, this is 100% sure
anyway this site will not let you know the land owners, only general information on the parcel

if you need ownersā€™ names go to https://e.land.gov.ua/
authorization required

The authorization and owner names are available for free to anybody from Ukrainian citizens.

This category doesnā€™t require ownersā€™ names but it any case itā€™s available after authentication and citizenship verification. Property type is available without registering.

The category also requires property value. Itā€™s available too, but not for free.
BTW, couldnā€™t find any country which lists property value publicly and for free. I couldnā€™t verify whether Denmark has property value listed.

Hereā€™s an example:

(Property Type: Community property)
ŠšŠ°Š“Š°ŃŃ‚Ń€Š¾Š²ŠøŠ¹ Š½Š¾Š¼ŠµŃ€ = Parcel ID
Parcel Boundaries are visible but not in machine readable format
Property value can be ordered (not free)

Iā€™m afraid youā€™d have to find some Ukrainian proxy and set up your browser to go through it.

Dear @vanuan, @AlfaCentavra, @vovka,

thank you very much for your feedback. As part of the public dialogue we will follow up on your input, and will get back to you in the coming days.

All the best,

@vanuan I entirely agree that the data is somehow available online (after requesting access).

I would say:
the data is accessible only as access-controlled data, which is not entirely machine-readable (hence answered ā€œnoā€ in our survey), is not for free (property value must be paid), therefore also not openly licensed (since this contradicts one core requirement of open licensing, namely that ā€œThe license must not impose any fee arrangement, royalty, or other compensation or monetary remuneration as part of its conditionsā€), not downloadable at once (not downloadable at all).

Question is whether the data is provided in a timely fashion? What do you think @vanuan?

Well, it depends on what exactly meant by ā€œproperty valueā€. If it means ā€œthe price property was sold last timeā€ then yes, it is available in the property ownership registry, and is provided as soon as property rights are registered. If it means ā€œcurrent priceā€ then no, hence property evaluation (i.e. market research) is required and several days is needed before data becomes available.

We kept this fairly open and accepted several information, e.g. price paid or property tax value. Is there any screenshot or URL you can add here so I can verify update frequency? That would be helpful

Well, there are screenshots here:

I can click around to show different dates but Iā€™m not sure how it would prove the update frequency.
Thereā€™s no functionality to sort by recently sold properties.

The only proof I can provide is that thereā€™s a law which regulates how property registry operates. And this service is directly connected to the property registry. So itā€™s as recent as it can theoretically get. I.e. itā€™s not updated from some first party source. It is the first party source.

P.S. of course there might be some IT security considerations so physically itā€™s probably using a read only replica of the registry. But it shouldnā€™t be more than few days old.