Entry for spending / jp

This is a discussion about the submission for spending / jp.

Hi @Masa @Tomoaki_Watanabe and @nyampire - I re-evaluated the data for spending, and could not find the transactional spending , so unless I will find transactions, I will have to take off points for Japan in this category. Can you please send me a transactional data example?


Hi, Mor. I think you are right on this.


Hi @Mor,

As I wrote on the “GLOBAL OPEN DATA INDEX: SURVEY” site, you can see the data here. It is called “行政事業レビューシート”. It contains individual record of project which is the name of government office, name of vendor, national corporate number of the vendor, amount of the transaction, type of the contract and so on.


  • Expenditure review sheet of 5000 projects by all ministries.,


  • Expenditure review sheet of 5000 projects by all ministries (database).

@Masa the URL you mentioned is 404 :slight_smile:
I guess following links are more suitable for “行政レビューシート”.

@nyampire, Thank you!

Great, guys, thank you!

I am a bit confused - it says the data is from 2008. Is that a Japanese year ?
@nyampire - I cant see the transactional data by department, only aggregated data. :frowning: I didnt open the dump yet, so will look at it too

Yes, 2016 is H28 (short for Heisei 28) in Japanese calendar system.

I did not look into that dataset, so I will wait others to explain about its nature.

Great thanks!

I looked at the spreadsheet, and the only date I saw was fiscal year. Is there something more specific there that I am missing (day/month/year)?

Hi @Mor, found another source.

Each ministries has published their transaction data with PDF and Excel by month.
This data contains following columns. So I think it could fulfill the requirements.

  • 名称、場所、期間及び種別 : name of transaction record
  • 契約担当官等の氏名並びにその所属する部局の名称及び所在地: department/office which has took charge
  • 契約を締結した日: date of contract
  • 契約の相手方の商号又は名称及び住所: name and address of vendor
  • 一般競争入札・指名競争入札の別(総合評価の実施): budget for the record
  • 予定価格契約金額: amount of the transaction


for Project contract

Japanese ministries has their Project base budget besides of above transactions.
Each ministries make their “行政レビューシート/Review sheet” as @Masa mentioned above.
The budget and justification are examined in this sheet, and also, if the Project is multi-year project, the vendors of last year must be described.

Each projects are enrolled at the end of Japanese business year (end of March).
So only the fiscal year is described in that sheet.

Oh, I forgot to mention to license.

They are published under “政府標準利用規約/Government of Japan Standard Terms of Use” ver 2.0 which defines those data are free to use, no charge and compatibility with CC BY 4.0, etc.

Although it is not submitted to Conformant Licenses, it is considered as Open (e.g. submission for budget)

Hi @nyampire - ok, it still seems like procurement for me, since it’s only porject basis, not daily work. See the blog - What is the difference between budget, spending and procurement data? – Open Knowledge Foundation blog

@dannylammerhirt - thoughts?

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Thank you for clarification, I missed it.

In this meaning, each ministries have been publishing their data as “予算執行” status.

  • 予算の支出状況 (庁費及び職員旅費の支出状況) : (Spending situation (Payment for officer’s travel))

  • 補助金等交付決定 (subsidy)

  • 委託調査費関連 (Commissioned research expenses)

  • タクシー代に関する支出状況 (payment for Taxi)

  • 公益法人に対する支出に係る公表・点検 (payment regarding Public Interest Corporations)

  • Sample: MIC, METI under “政府標準利用規約/Government of Japan Standard Terms of Use” ver 2.0.

They are aggregated by 3 months (quarter) basis.
And they do not contain officer’s salary data.

Hi @nyampire,

I checked it again and say the data does not comply with our spending data definition ( see this blogpost for further explanations). In each of the data there is some key information missing, either the receiver (third-party receiving money) or the transaction amount per each individual transaction (aggregates by month or quarter do not comply, it must be possible to see how much money has been spent throughout the month). As an example, we accepted Colombia’s spending data which allowed to infer how much money has been paid by seeing the total contracted amount, and a percentage how much has been paid to whom at what date. Over time it is possible to trace this percentage and infer how much money has been paid for each transaction.

Regarding your submission I found the following:

  • 予算の支出状況 (庁費及び職員旅費の支出状況)( Executed budget split by month or quarter)
  • 補助金等交付決定 (The header of the spreadsheet says it is “Expenditure status per quarter”, but I can only see the third-party entity contracted, the contract amount + the date of a contract)
  • 委託調査費関連 (same as above)
  • タクシー代に関する支出状況 ( Payment for taxi rides are split by month. We do not see the company receiving payments, only total amount of taxi ride available)
  • METI produces aggregated expenditure data for office equipment, etc. aggregated by quarter, not containing the company or products purchased, or the amount paid per transaction

Therefore I state that this data is not compliant with our spending criteria.