Entry for spending / jp

Hi @nyampire,

I checked it again and say the data does not comply with our spending data definition ( see this blogpost for further explanations). In each of the data there is some key information missing, either the receiver (third-party receiving money) or the transaction amount per each individual transaction (aggregates by month or quarter do not comply, it must be possible to see how much money has been spent throughout the month). As an example, we accepted Colombia’s spending data which allowed to infer how much money has been paid by seeing the total contracted amount, and a percentage how much has been paid to whom at what date. Over time it is possible to trace this percentage and infer how much money has been paid for each transaction.

Regarding your submission I found the following:

  • 予算の支出状況 (庁費及び職員旅費の支出状況)( Executed budget split by month or quarter)
  • 補助金等交付決定 (The header of the spreadsheet says it is “Expenditure status per quarter”, but I can only see the third-party entity contracted, the contract amount + the date of a contract)
  • 委託調査費関連 (same as above)
  • タクシー代に関する支出状況 ( Payment for taxi rides are split by month. We do not see the company receiving payments, only total amount of taxi ride available)
  • METI produces aggregated expenditure data for office equipment, etc. aggregated by quarter, not containing the company or products purchased, or the amount paid per transaction

Therefore I state that this data is not compliant with our spending criteria.