WHEN: February 1, 2018. 2-3pm EST / 11a-noon PST
WHERE: GotoWebinar register here
Open Knowledge is Open Data that is useful, usable and used. And for data to be useful and usable for it to be used, it needs to be high quality data - curated and published with a purpose.
In this webinar, we explore what the Open Knowledge Network is doing in the US to facilitate the creation of Open Knowledge, and explore what the Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center is doing to engage the community to take Open Data beyond just publishing raw datasets on a website.
This is the inaugural webinar of the monthly webinar series being hosted by the re-energized US Open Knowledge Network.
5 mins - INTRODUCTIONS (Burt & Joel)
- reboot of US Open Knowledge Network
- US Local Group in discuss.okfn.org - United States - Open Knowledge Forums
- webinar series on Open Knowledge topics (to be archived in OKI Youtube Channel)
- CKAN, Open Data best practices
- Open Government, Data-driven government
- Frictionless Data, Open Source, etc.
- Call for speakers. Call for members for revitalized US Open Knowledge Network.
- Introduce inaugural speakers
15 mins - What is Open Knowledge? the Open Knowledge Network? Frictionless Data? (Oscar)
25 mins - WPRDC (Bob Gradeck & Team)
- Project Overview
- Open data portal
- Community engagement approach
- Tools - Property dashboard/Burgh’s Eye View
- Performance measurement dashboard
13 mins - Q & A
2 mins - wrap-up. Save the date for next monthly webinar.