Hi all -
I was delighted to learn from twitter about @rufuspollock keynoting at Open Depository 2016 on June 16th in Dublin, Ireland.
OK Ireland will organise a fringe event with Rufus’s participation.
Date / Time: TBC
Venue: TBC
Agenda: TBD
Best regards,
This is fantastic @denis_parfenov - i had been planning to get in touch as soon as they confirmed that it was happening (which they have now done) 
As I guess it would be nice to invite ORR people along I guess we should check the program to see what is happening Wednesday and Thursday night (15th). My guess is that Wednesday is slightly preferable but if there is a conflict we could do Thursday (or even Tuesday potentially).
I’m also /cc @danfowler as he may coming too to give a workshop on Frictionless Data.
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I’ve checked on the conf site:
And it appears Gala Supper is Wednesday. So I’m starting to think that Thursday night looks best (alternative is Tuesday but not sure exactly when I arrive).
Would Thursday night work for you and the community?
Thurs is good in general, but not if we want to invite participants of Open Repository (cos everyone will be tied after 4 days and most will depart home Thurs PM). Perhaps Tuesday is better, on this occasion. The bottom line we can do this whenever it suits you. Just let me know.
@denis_parfenov good point so default would be Tuesday. The other option if we were not worried about ORR would be Friday - thought Friday in Dublin may not be so good 
Let’s get this confirmed and then we can start scheduling.
Also, which day are you available to meet with our officials? Let me know and I’ll see if any of them willing to make themselves available.
Hi @rufuspollock - apologies for delay. Tuesday, 14th June confirmed.
The 1st cut of registration page (ti.to/open-knowledge-ireland/knowledge-preservation/).
Suggestions appreciated.
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@denis_parfenov looks great. Let’s get this rolling.
Date: Tuesday, 14 June 2016
Doors open at 18:00. The event will begin at 18:30 and finish at 20:00
Today knowledge is created at a rate that would have been inconceivable a generation ago. However, what can be done to make sure that knowledge created today is available to future generations? How do we determine what we might perceive as worth preserving if we have not the capacity to preserve all?
The theme for this Meetup is
‘Knowledge Preservation in the 21st century’.
This meetup will be facilitated by Denis Parfenov
Guest speakers and panelists include:
* Stanislav Nazarenko, founder of Nihonto Club, an online community dedicated to appreciation and preservation of Japanese swords and the largest public database of Japanese metalwork artists
* Dr. Kalpana Shankar, School of Information and Library Studies, University College Dublin
Please help to spread the word!
####Registration page: https://ti.to/open-knowledge-ireland/knowledge-preservation
@denis_parfenov can i suggest you update the original main topic post here with the details so people coming here see that first!
Really looking forward to this.
Done. We are looking forward to this event as well!