New Topic Button Missing

Continuing the discussion from moved to an Open Knowledge "sysadmin" server:

What happens if you are in a category like:

Do you see a “New Topic” button then?

I note the home page is missing a new topic button and just has a “New Category” button for admins (we should look to fix this asap as well but just wanted to clarify if missing everywhere or just the home page).

Nope, no new topic button there either. Actually, I searched pretty much the whole forum for it…

And thanks for taking care of it!

Hi @ingmars Looks like you have to reach trust level 1 to have the new topic button show up. To get there you need to read 10 posts and spend a cumulative 10 minutes reading posts.

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OK, thanks for the information. I do have to say though that I find that rather ridiculous and indeed a waste of time for newcomers. I did have something important to post but couldn’t due to these “earning credits” rules I wasn’t aware of.

This feedback is very helpful, thanks.

We’ve started this Discourse instance largely with all of the default settings intact and are working to fine tune as we go.

@nealbastek would it be worth reducing those requirements? It would avoid confusing experiences like those of @ingmars. For example, perhaps we could eliminate the 10m requirement and only require reading 2 posts and see how that goes?

I also wonder if there is a way to improve user experience: e.g. having a new topic button but if you click on it and don’t have enough “trust” it tells you why.

We’ve removed the trust level requirements for now and all new users should now see the new topics button as soon as they sign up. We’ll leave it this way unless we experience problems with spam and/or spam users.