I was looking around for the Dutch OKFN group, but I could not find any. There is a Twitter account but their last post is from 2014. Is there a reason why this group hasn’t been set up yet and is not included in the hibernated groups list as well? Thanks in advance!
Hi Jordy! There is not an active Dutch OKFN group/network. Was there something specific you were looking for? Or were you interested in getting a group started?
Sorry for the (very) late reply, I had turned off my email notifications… I was in the process of making an essay about Open Science through open knowledge networks and was looking for relevant organizations. I stumbled upon the OKFN and was curious why there seemed to be no activity in the Netherlands. I think it would be valuable to have an active Dutch OKFN group, however, I am afraid that at the moment I am not capable of getting such a group started. Who knows, during my studies this year, I will come back and put some effort into it. Thanks for the reply!!